Call for Nominations: 2024 OSCE Max van der Stoel Award for Minority Rights Advocacy

The Max van der Stoel Award is presented by the Government of the Netherlands every two years. It honours the memory of distinguished Dutch statesman and the first OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Max van der Stoel (seen here in Vukovar, Croatia).

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Kairat Abdrakhmanov, issued a call for nominations for the 2024 Max van der Stoel Award. The award, offering 50,000 Euros, aims to acknowledge exceptional efforts in enhancing the status of national minorities within OSCE participating states. Candidates eligible for nomination include international organizations, NGOs, research institutes, governmental bodies, or individuals demonstrating outstanding contributions to the advancement of minority rights across the OSCE region.

Nominations, due by March 31, 2024, can be submitted directly to OSCE field operations and institutions, as well as to delegations of OSCE participating states.

“I encourage everyone to propose suitable candidates by contacting my office, or an OSCE field operation or delegation,” said High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov. 

Following the nomination period, a jury, chaired by the High Commissioner, will review all submissions and select the recipient. The award ceremony is scheduled for autumn 2024 in The Hague.

Further details can be viewed at the website of the OSCE.