European Commission condemns surge in antisemitic incidents across Europe

The European Commission issued a statement regarding the rise in antisemitic incidents across Europe which they condemn “in the strongest possible terms.”  

According to the statement, over the last month antisemitic incidents have included the throwing of Molotov cocktails at a synagogue in Germany, the spray painting of Stars of David on residential buildings in France, the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in Austria, attacks on Jewish stores and synagogues in Spain, and the chanting of hate slogans against Jews by demonstrators.

“The spike of antisemitic incidents across Europe has reached extraordinary levels in the last few days, reminiscent of some of the darkest times in history. European Jews today are again living in fear,” the statement reads. 

To tackle this rise in hate, the EU is leveraging existing laws criminalizing hate speech and violence incitement. Additionally, it has implemented strategies to combat antisemitism and racism, including increased funding for security measures at vulnerable locations. The EU is also enforcing regulations on online platforms to swiftly remove hateful content. Emphasizing the collective responsibility to confront hate, the EU urges unity in standing against all forms of discrimination and violence.

“Jewish, Muslim, Christian – no one should live in fear of discrimination or violence because of their religion or their identity. The EU is determined to protect the wellbeing of all its communities, ethnic, religious or other.”

The full statement can be accessed on the website of the European Commission.