Indigenous and Minority Groups in Colombia Granted Collaboration Opportunities with Companies in Renewable Energy Initiatives

In 2019, Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro announced a plan to initiate 50 possible wind and solar energy projects throughout Columbia. The plan was to kickstart Columbia's green energy transition and lessen its reliance on fossil fuels. Yet 5 years after the announcement, none of the projects are operational. 

The reasons for the lack of progress include environmental licensing delays and strong opposition by indigenous Wayuu communities in the coastal La Guajira province. To soothe indigenous communities’ opposition and revitalize Columbia's energy transition, President Petro announced that Columbia would allow indigenous and other minority communities to form renewable energy generator and commercialization projects and develop joint ventures with the private sector. 

Groups that are eligible include rural farmers as well as indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. The goal is for those communities to become energy self-sufficient as well as supply the National Grid with any excess power. 

More information about this initiative can be found at Reuters.