International Day for People of African Descent Observed

On August 30, in commemoration of the International Day for People of African Descent, a group of UN human rights experts issued a joint statement in which they urged the General Assembly to proclaim a second International Decade for People of African Descent.

The UN human rights experts highlighted the need for political will to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination and inequality, and to address the legacies of colonialism, enslavement, and genocide. They recognized the success of the International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024 in combating racism, discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, but underscored that there is much still to be done.

In their statement, they “urged the UN General Assembly to consider the proclamation of the second International Decade for People of African Descent for the period 2025-2034, with a view to taking further action to address systemic discrimination and legacies of the past to bring about the full recognition, justice, and development for people of African descent worldwide.”

The full statement can be found on the website of the OHCHR.